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Writer's pictureRavenna Donohue

Yet Again, Mystery by Iris Taylor

Here we are yet again. Another year, another show, another blog post. Yay!!!!!!! Okay but also wow I’ve done 4 shows at Hale already? How? Can we pause and think about that for a moment? Crazy! Time moves fast! Too fast sometimes. Anywho, blogs, they are quite the conundrum (boy that is a hard word to spell). What to write? How long can I procrastinate this? (The answer is no idea and till the very last minute). Now I know much has been said of Nathan Hale Theatre and our traditions and more. But I think maybe I should compile just a few of them here – I mean I have done 4 of these things (meaning shows and blog posts) so maybe I know something 😊. Let’s see, I think much has already been said about Fergus so I won’t go into detail. But what about the Nathan Hale Theatre mask? I don’t think that one is well known, probably because we don’t really know it either… But to explain a little, there is a giant cardboard mask (like giant giant, like the size of a person) hanging out on the cealing of the black box. It is truly a special sight to behold. Now you may ask, why? Why is it there? And the answer to that my friend is I have no idea. Not one clue! Yay! Let's see, you also may or may not have heard of finding the strangest things in both the prop and costume closet. Now I had the pleasure of organizing the prop closet at a work party my freshman year. To which I might add that it was completely changed and all the props were moved to a different spot not long after… But whilst doing that I had the pleasure to see some of the strangest things I’ve ever seen. Like the lovely little origami silver shark, chillin’ as food with the rest of the REALISTIC food. Or perhaps the sealed containers filled with glass bits? Who knows what other wonders it currently holds, had held in the past or will hold in the future. But sadly I think it might be time to wrap this up (definitely not just because now I have a sufficient amount of words written down…). I implore you to come see our wonderful show, “Almost, Maine”. We have worked very hard so it would be such a waste for you dear reader not to come *cough *cough. And maybe just maybe you’ll discover a new Nathan Hale Theatre secret…

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