This is my second time working as a stagehand in theatre and it is SO fun. I'm not being sarcastic. I can often be very sarcastic but this is one of the rare occasions when I am being sincere. I have been looking forward to working on this musical since our last production, The Imaginary Invalid ended. The people are incredible, I don't know how it is possible for a group of people to be so kind and welcoming to literally anyone.
I'll be honest, originally I was going to write this on why I don't like writing blogs. Which still sort of stands but I will explain. As I started writing about my long list of reasons, I realized that I don't actually have a long list of reasons. Writing is definitely not my favorite thing to do. Especially essays. But this isn't an essay. It's not graded. There is nothing to worry about and blogs can be really interesting to read. Theatre people's blogs are great. I don't know how interesting mine will be but if you are still reading at this point of my rambling I appreciate it.
Anyway, back to whatever other topic I am writing about. Theatre stuff! I never thought I would be able to commit to the amount of work it takes to put on an entire show. I honestly have no idea how my brain is even charged enough to be putting together semi-understandable sentences right now. And I am not even working on this musical as much as some people in it. They all deserve so much credit and recognition (I'm not going to name everyone because that will take forever and I will forget someone but just know there are awesome people). I was so worried about people having to rely on me to do certain things at certain times. But I've done it and am doing it. Tech jobs are so rewarding and fun. I love being backstage and seeing everything come together. The music, actors, costumes, lighting, everything. There are just so many different parts that have to come together to create a production like this.
Sometimes it feels like no one appreciates us people behind the stage. Do not get me wrong, actors work really hard and have been working hard for the past several months. But tech people do stuff too. Just because we are not really on stage, doesn't mean we aren't there. Fun fact though, me and my friend Marina Grey (author of The Science of Blogging) will briefly do a bit of acting right before intermission in act one. Just know, there may or may not be some dismemberment happening. Curious? Come see the show! Please!!! We need money...
But also it's going to be such an incredible musical and so entertaining. If you like music, theatre, comedy, etc., you'll love it! And if you don't you sound like a sad person and you should come see it to cheer yourself up.
Thank you for taking the time to read these words! I hope they were interesting enough. And if they weren't and I left you disappointed, please enjoy the picture of my dog, Stanley. Goodbye, and I hope to see you at Hello, Dolly!
