Hi! My name is Shelby Grant and I play Hailey Becksworth in our production of Laughing out Life.
I’ve never been good with computers. You can see why I might be having some trouble doing a fully online production. I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing. I’m stuck at home on my computer every day and still having to call my friends to make sure I’m downloading an app right. So you can also see where my hesitancy with doing a fully virtual show would come from.
Luckily, I don’t have much to worry about. We have a great tech crew and fantastic directors to support us. Tech crew deserves so much more credit than they are given and I appreciate them infinitely. They make all the work we do possible. So, when you are watching our performance this year make sure not to forget about the techies that make it so that we can do the beautiful work that we do. I hope you enjoy our show!